Shoelaces need to be tied together, or rubber banded
to make sure that matching pairs stay together.
LWML will receive funds based on the poundage of the donated shoes.
Office Hours
8:30 am to 2:30 pm
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday
Pastor: Dwayne Schroeder
Secretary: Brenda Grauberger
Coffee & Donuts at 8:45 am
++ Sunday Worship at 10:00 am ++
Communion offered on
the 1st & 3rd Sundays
Worship Attendance in November
November 3rd 105
November 10th 123
November 17th 129
November 24th 113
Visit our Website
Check our Facebook page.
Redeemer Lutheran Church | Enid OK
Redeemer Lutheran LCMS Enid, OK
Bible Studies
Tuesday at 10:00 am at the Cat Resort
Saturday at 8:00 am at Leslie Mooers
Sunday at 8:45 am at Redeemer
Elders 3rd 7:00 p.m.
Parish Friends 4th 1:00 p.m.
Seasoned Saints 11th NOON
Council 11th 7:00 p.m.
Trustees 11th 8:00 p.m
St. Paul’s Lutheran Church is hosting a
Christmas Caroling Event December 19th.
Everyone (Young & Old) is invited to meet at
“The One” Christmas tree
downtown at 5:30 pm. Watch for updates.
8:30 am to 2:30 pm
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday
Pastor: Dwayne Schroeder
Secretary: Brenda Grauberger
Coffee & Donuts at 8:45 am
++ Sunday Worship at 10:00 am ++
Communion offered on
the 1st & 3rd Sundays
Worship Attendance in September
September 1st 110
September 8th 122
September 15th 98
September 22nd 100
September 29th 105
Visit our Website
Check our Facebook page.
Redeemer Lutheran Church | Enid OK
Redeemer Lutheran LCMS Enid, OK
Bible Studies
Tuesday at 10:00 am at the Cat Resort
Saturday at 8:00 am at Leslie Mooers
Sunday at 8:45 am at Redeemer
Elders 1ST 7:00 p.m.
Council 3rd 7:00 p.m.
Trustees 3rd 8:00 p.m.
LWML Qtrly Mtg 5th NOON
Chancel TBA
Seasoned Saints 9th NOON
Board of Ed 16th 4:30 p.m.
Dates and times
Mon. Nov 18th 2-7 pm
Tue. Nov 19th 2-7 pm
Wed. Nov 20th 2-7 pm
Thur. Nov 21st 5-7 pm
Fri. Nov 22nd 2-7 pm
Sat. Nov 23rd 2-7 pm
Sun. Nov 24th 2-7 pm
Mon. Nov 25th 9am – 11am
Stephen Wiederkehr is the chairperson of this event in Enid.
He is needing 3-5 volunteers per day to help with
this project. Both Youth and Adults qualify.
Stephen needs to set up schedules ASAP,
so please contact him at 580-402-4109
Redeemer’s Trunk or Treat
October 27, 2024
2:00p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
This year we hope to have our parking lot full of all kinds of trunks.
Decorated with endless ideas of themes!
If you can’t sponsor a trunk,
then there is a section set up in the narthex
for donation bags of candy to give away!
Oct 6th is LWML Sunday
a day to wear Purple.
Oct 13th is the Sunday you can
support your Favorite Sport’s Team.
Oct 20th is Dress your Sunday Best
dresses, hats, suits and ties please.
Oct 27th is Reformation Sunday
a day to wear RED
October is known as Clergy Appreciation Month.
We will have the opportunity to appreciate
Pastor Dwayne Schroeder (Sherrie),
Pastor Velmer Goebel (Lori)
Pastor Ken Haskell (Karen),
and other pastors during the month of October. Clergy appreciation month was established in 1992 to recognize and encourage Pastors, DCEs, Missionaries, and Teachers.
The Lutheran Church Missouri Synod (LCMS) celebrates Reformation Day on October 27thThe Lutheran church commemorates the Protestant Reformation by celebrating the day Martin Luther posted the 95 Theses to the church door in Wittenberg, Germany on October 31, 1517.
Darrell and Suzanne Pralle will be hosting September’s Seasoned Saints at noon on the 11th. Bring a potluck food item and a friend! Last month we had 20 Seasoned Saints enjoy food and fellowship!
Office Hours
8:30 am to 2:30 pm
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday
Pastor: Dwayne Schroeder
Secretary: Brenda Grauberger
Coffee & Donuts at 8:45 am
++ Sunday Worship at 10:00 am ++
Communion offered on
the 1st & 3rd Sundays
Worship Attendance in June
July 7th 91
July 14th 96
July 21st 97
July 28th
Visit our Website
Check our Facebook page
Redeemer Lutheran Church | Enid, OK
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Redeemer Lutheran LCMS Enid, OK
Bible Studies
Tuesday at 10:00 am at the Cat Resort
Saturday at 8:00 am at LeslieMooers
Sunday at 8:45 am Redeemer
Elders 6th 8:00 p.m.
Parish Friends 7th 1:00 p.m.
Seasoned Saints 14th Noon
Council 8th 7:00 p.m.
Trustees 8th 8:00 p.m.
Chancel 12th 4:30 p.m.
Board of Ed 14th 4:00 p.m.
Pastor’s Ponderings Aug 2024
Richness toward God Nine for you, and one for me; nine for you, and one for me; nine for you, and one for me. Would anyone dare divide his money and goods with another like that? And you might say, “Only a rich man, only a man who lacks nothing could divide his possessions with another like that, but I’m not a rich man.” Then again, we live in a time when so many people in America have never before in human history had so many things. And yet we often want more, and we will strive to get all that we want. One day, Jesus warned a great crowd of people following Him about the self-satisfying behavior of greed. He told them a parable about a rich man (found in Luke 12, vs 13-21) whose fields produced an excellent crop. Upon seeing the bounty, the man thought “What shall I do? I have no place to store my crops.” So the man who was already rich tore down his old barns and built new ones. And then he said, “I have plenty of good things laid up for many years. I’ll take life easy. I’ll eat, drink, and be merry,” but God had other plans for that man. When the rich man asked, “What shall I do?” I think he also thought, “What shall I do with MY crop, MY life, with all MY blessings that I produced?” His take on things side stepped the true owner. He stepped around the Creator and patted himself on the back for a job well done. The rich man was foolish. He had fallen into the trap of self-importance and self-indulgence. He thought that the amazing bountiful crops were his because he put in a lot of time and money to get them. He thought that his future was his in hands, but God had other plans.
The most profound truths in this parable centers on one question:
How can I be rich toward God?
Richness toward God comes through seeing everything as a gift from His hand. Whatever is received in money or material goods or opportunities or in the moment of each day is purely and simply a gift from God. It’s an expression of His love. It is evidence of His grace.
Richness toward God comes through seeking His direction before settling on decisions. In Matthew 6:33, we are told “Seek first His (God’s) kingdom and His (God’s) righteousness, and all these things (what you have and hold) will be given to you as well.” Richness toward God, desires to do God’s will. And whenever we receive an excellent crop or a raise or an inheritance or a job, the first order of business is to ask, “How can God be glorified with His gift to me?”
Richness toward God comes through caring more about giving than getting. The rich man in Luke 12 was consumed with greed and cared nothing about giving. And before we condemn him, we must realize and confess that we too have the same capacity to sin and be selfish. But, the self-control God gives us enables us to think about others before we think only of ourselves. Nine for you, one for Me. Nine for you, one for Me. Nine for you, one for Me. God is our example of a gracious and generous Giver. He not only gives us material things, He gave us His only Son, sacrificing Him instead of requiring our life. We have been forgiven and declared holy in His sight. WE ARE RICH! And in this richness, we can be content while sharing the contents of God’s storehouse because of the treasure contained in God’s holy Word. Praise God from Whom ALL blessings flow! Amen!
Ron & Carolyn Rowe will be hosting August’s Seasoned Saints at noon on the 14th. Bring a potluck food item and a friend! Last month we had 19 Seasoned Saints enjoy food and fellowship!
Rally Sunday is Aug 18th
With a Pot Luck Breakfast in the Fellowship Hall
Come and play Pickleball
On Fridays at 11:00 am
at Redeemer’s FLC)
Beginners welcome.
Paddles & Balls provided
Redeemer’s Dinner Theater
Writing a murder is not as easy as one might think. Just ask the Marquis Crossing Ladies Society for the Arts. They decide to do just that, especially after discovering the royalties involved in performing someone else's play. The group embarks on creating an operatic murder mystery dinner theater with potential audience involvement. Meanwhile, two fugitives, unwittingly, become cast in the play. It's a rollicking comedy where distinguishing between real and fake guns is part of the fun.
There are several options to purchase tickets. You can order/pay for them online by typing this in your web browser:
You can call Brenda at RLC 580-234-6622 to reserve tickets. Tickets may also be available for purchase at the door for the Friday and Sunday performances only. Tables for 6 or 8 may be pre-purchased as well to reserve a table for your group.
PLEASE NOTE: Reservations are Required for the Saturday dinner theatre performance. Dinner will be pulled pork, side dish, bread and tea/water.
LWML is hosting a diaper & wipes
shower through August for
Haddie May Overstreet
Daughter of Erin Lamunyon
& August Overstreet
A portable crib is set up to receive your gifts.
School Kits that you make will be cherished by the person who receives it.
A station has been setup in the narthex for you to contribute to the School Kits by August 18th.
Darrel & Suzanne Pralle will be hosting June’s Seasoned Saints at noon on the 12th. Bring a potluck food item and a friend! Last month we had 18 Seasoned Saints enjoy food and fellowship!
April Contributions $1,975.00
On the financial side, you have blessed Redeemer with $26,215 in 2024 that has gone toward the new building project. Thank you very much.
Your gifts for the new construction project can be given by using the ‘Building Fund Offering Envelopes’ that are in the hymnal holders, on the table as you enter the sanctuary, or by writing a check to ‘Redeemer Lutheran Church’ (please write ‘Building Fund’ on the memo line). Thank you!!
You don’t have to be “seasoned” to enjoy good food & fellowship!
Ken & Karen Haskell & Darrel & Suzanne Pralle will be hosting May’s Seasoned Saints at noon on the 8th. Bring a potluck food item and a friend! Last month we had 20 Seasoned Saints enjoy food and fellowship!
100th Anniversary
Greetings in the name of Jesus, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!
It is my joy and delight to extend to you, dear Christian, an invitation to the upcoming celebration of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Oklahoma District of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod. The people of St. John’s – Okarche are both honored and thrilled to host this momentous event! Please note some key dates and times below:
What: 100th Anniversary Celebration of the OK District, LCMS
When: Sunday, May 19th, 2024, 4 PM service, 5:30 PM Dinner
Where: St. John’s Lutheran Church, 408 W Colorado, Okarche, OK, 73762
Our theme verse for the celebration is taken from Psalm 28:7, “The Lord is my strength and my shield; in him my heart trusts, and I am helped; my heart exults, and with my song I give thanks to him.”
Truly, the strength, protection, and help of the Lord have carried our beloved district as part of the Lord’s Church for the last 100 years. One reason we wish to gather this May is to remember the Lord’s goodness toward His people here in Oklahoma
We will sing “The Church’s One Foundation” as we worship together in May. Allow me to close with the first verse of this beloved hymn:
The Church's one foundation is Jesus Christ Her Lord;
She is His new creation by water and the Word.
From heaven He came and sought Her to be His holy bride;
With His own blood He bought Her, and for Her life He died
Christ’s peace be with you,
Pastor Joel Heckmann
Senior Pastor, St. John’s Lutheran Church – Okarche, OK